Ne ki: Wathró:ris: 

TTO tánon ne tyonkwatenróhon yonkwayo’tátye ayakwanonhsón:ni tánon aontehnhotón:ko ne Kenhtè:ke Owén:na tánon Tsi Niyonkwarihó:ten Yoterihwahtén:tyon. Kí yóskats Net Zero nón:we Salmon River Road ne Kenhtè:ke Mohawk Territory, enkayén:take ne tsi nón:we ahonteweyénste, yekhonnyátha, ahatiráhsthake, tánon ne onkwehshón:’a ahontya’tarohró:ksheke tsi ní:yore ne 150 niyonkwé:take ne tsi naho’ténshon rotiyó’te, thénon aonterihwahtén:ti tánon ahonten’nikonhró:ri. Kí:ken tsi nón:we tenstyatyérenke ne tsi niyohtón:nen Kanonhsésne tánon átste nonkwá:ti nahò:ten aón:ton ahonteweyénste.

Tsi Nén:tewe ne Ohwísta:

Funding for the Centre:

Tsi Nén:tewe ne Ohwísta: 

Kakó:ra ne Canada tontka’we ne ohwísta kí: tsi yoskats tsi nenkanonhso’tén:hake né:ne ratina’tónkhwa Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program (GICB) Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte wahonhkwatá:se’te ne tahóntka’we ne óhontsa, tánon ne TTO tahatiyestá:nyon ne ó:ni ne wahontsnyé:non. Áse’ ken ónen kwah ken’ náhe tyonkwatáhsawen ayakwarihonnyá:nyon éso’ sénha yonorón:o’n ne ayontenonhsón:ni, shé:kon ki’ yakwatwistón:nis né:ne aorihwá:ke.


News and Updates:

October 2024 Project Update

October 21, 2024 – Work continues on the Kenhtè:ke Language and Culture Centre project, located at 39 Salmon River Road in Shannonville. Framing of both the walls and roof is underway in preparation for the winter, and the project is on schedule for a summer 2025 opening. 

The purpose of this cultural centre is to maintain and strengthen Kanyen’kehá:ka identity by bringing the community together and providing adequate space for TTO to deliver its programs. Through its programs, TTO aims to achieve sustainable use of the Mohawk language both within and beyond Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, moving from basic language acquisition to reestablishing a living language.

The Kenhtè:ke Language and Cultural Centre will be operated by Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na and was supported by the Government of Canada’s Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, the Ontario government’s Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program, and support from generous community partners and donors. We continue to seek additional support to offset increased construction costs – those interested in learning more or contributing should download our brochure for more information.

August 2024 Project Update

September 24, 2024 – Thank you for the outpouring of support and interest in the Language and Culture Centre project, located at 39 Salmon River Road in Shannonville. Work is proceeding on schedule for a summer 2025 opening. Ground floor framing is well underway, and in the weeks to come framing will begin on the low and upper roof sections to prepare for roofing in October. Improvements to the property such as grading are also underway.

Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na is pleased to announce this project will exceed its local sourcing requirements, supporting local jobs and purchasing from local companies providing drywall, siding, and equipment rentals among other critical supplies.

The purpose of this cultural centre is to maintain and strengthen Kanyenke’háka identity by bringing the community together and providing adequate space for TTO to deliver its programs. Through its programs, TTO aims to achieve sustainable use of the Mohawk language both within and beyond Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, moving from basic language acquisition to reestablishing a living language.
The concept for the Kenhtè:ke Language and Cultural Centre combines the idea of a turtle, which references traditional Indigenous teachings, and a weaved basket, which brings many different people and ideas together. The design also seamlessly integrates nature and the outdoors through the ample natural light and views of the landscape.
The Kenhtè:ke Language and Cultural Centre will be operated by Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na and was supported by the Government of Canada’s Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, the Ontario government’s Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program, and support from generous community partners and donors.

Canada invests in a new Language and Cultural Centre on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

June 5, 2023 – Today, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Crown-Indigenous, Callie Hill, Executive Director of Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na Language and Cultural Centre, and Chief R. Donald Maracle, Elected Chief of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, announced a federal investment of $9.6 million to support the construction of the Kenhtè:ke Language and Cultural Centre on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.

Fast Facts

Kí áse kanónhsote enkayén:take ne:

– 3 niyonáktayen yonteweyenstáhkhwa
– Yontya’tarohrókstha tsi niyó:re ne 150 niyonkwè:take
– Yonteweyenstáhkhwa yekhonnyá:tha
– Tsi rotiyo’ténhstha ne thatinyarotáhrhoks
– Tsi nón:we rontkennisa’áhtha
– Tsi nón:we ratiráhstha
– AV tsi shakotiwennaráhstha
– Yontahkwenyayentáhkhwa ne tsi niyawénhseron